

Fun news today! Time to announce the winner of my "I Love My Followers Giveaway!"

The winner of the $25 to my TPT Store {check it out HERE} and my Complete Set of 155 KB Fonts  {check them out HERE} is.....

Woo hoo and congrats to you! I will be in touch with the winner shortly!
To all who entered and to all who read and support my little blog and TPT store, I appreciate you more than you know. I truly love you! XO


GIVEAWAY {Because I Love You}

Happy Wednesday my lovelies! Only two more days until the weekend - woot woot! 
I must tell you how much I love YOU. I am so thankful and appreciative for each of my followers on my blog, TeachersPayTeachers store, instagram, and everywhere else. I am feeling particularly warm and fuzzy after reaching over 2,000 followers on TPT and over 500 followers on my blog! I want to throw that warm and fuzzy feeling right back at you to say thanks for all of your love and support by having a giveaway! Hooray!

I am giving away $25 to my TPT Store {check it out HERE} in addition to my Complete Set of 155 KB Fonts which is worth $28 {check them out HERE}.

I hope you'll enter and I really hope you win!! Thanks for being AMAZING!



Kinder Kid Said Whaaat?? A Fun Linky {Round 2}

It's time for round two of

I have heard some pretty ridiculously amazing things from my little ones already this year. I just love their brains and the way they think. Here are a few of my favorites from the last two weeks:

 Now that I have shared a few from my group, I would LOVE to hear from you!
This is a no pressure, link up whenever you feel like it, or don't link up at all, kind of linky.
You can link up once a week, once a month, once ever, or just stop by to read some of the funny things that people share!

Link up if you are a teacher of ANY grade level or a parent with a funny child!

Here are some blank templates that you can use if you want, or you can just type it in a regular post!

 I hope you'll join me in sharing the funny with the world!
XO -Khrys

Link up and share some of the funny things you hear your little ones say! This linky is for ALL teachers and parents, not just kindergarten teachers (though we are the best heh heh kidddding).

Don't forget to include my graphic on your post and link back to me please!

Can't wait to hear from your funny friends :)

(Cannot add links. Registration/trial expired)


Wrinkled Hearts + Freebie!

My little ones and I have been having a blast together! We are loving and learning like crazy. I always start the first few weeks with a TON of bonding activities to help students get to know each other and form loving relationships. The classroom climate is THE most important thing to focus on (in my opinion) to have a successful year together! Teaching my kiddos to have empathy and treat one another with kindness and respect is first thing!

When I saw this perfect idea on Cara's wonderful blog "The First Grade Parade", I knew I had to make it my own and do it with my tiny tots.

We began by reading the story Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes.

I explained that we were going to read a story that shows how very important it is to treat one another with love and kindness. I held up a large heart cut-out and explained that each of us has a heart and our heart's hold all of the good feelings and love that we have. We were pretending that the heart was Chrysanthemum's heart. As we read the story, the kid's passed it around and every time someone said something hurtful to Chrysanthemum, we crumbled her heart a little more. This showed how our hearts are feeling when we get our feelings hurt.

At the end of the story, the other characters say much nicer things to Chrysanthemum. The littles tried to smoother her heart back out now that she was getting some love back, but the damage was done and they quickly noticed that her heart did not look perfect.

They realized that it is quite hard to fix a wrinkled heart, no matter how hard they tried!

The moral of the activity was that the words they say to each other can leave hearts feeling sad long after we say them. We worked to heal her heart by bandaging it up! We glued the cute poem in the center as a reminder to choose our words carefully.

I also made little bracelets for them to wear! I used strips of black construction paper as the bands :)

 We hung up the heart in our room as a reminder!

You can download the heart poem and bracelets for FREE by clicking below!

Hope you are having a relaxing weekend :)


A Rainbow of Friends! + Freebie!

Let's face it - kid's like anything that includes food. They just do. And who could blame them?? I came up with this idea late one night before school the next day and was SO excited to do it with the kids. It was a great way to celebrate our brand new friends and create something they could bring home and share the experience with their families.

We started by reading the story "A Rainbow of Friends" by P.K. Hallinan and discussing the importance of friendship!

I started our follow-up activity by giving each friend 4 marshmallows, 4 little sticks (wooden skewers chopped in half), and a plate of Fruit Loops!

Before adding each color of fruit loop, we discussed what each color represents in our classroom!
Red = Love
Orange = Honesty
Yellow = Happiness
Green = Sharing
Blue = Hard Work
Purple = Imagination
Marshmallows = Kindness

Here's how they looked when they were finished! Aren't they cute?!

I printed a fun description on full sheet labels. I had two labels per page. I stuck them on the front of their bags and they were able to take their rainbows home with them!

You can grab these labels for FREE by clicking the link below!!

This made a fantastic bonding activity!! What fun things do you do with your little ones to unite them?

Hope you're having a great week and HAPPY FRIDAY! Hugs to you!


First Day Fabulous!

Aaaaah the first day of kindergarten! A day full of excitement, anticipation, fun, and a bit of fear (for everyone). I want my new sweeties to have a total blast and I want it to be memorable for them. I also want to maintain my sanity and not roll away as a massive ball of stress. It's a thin line my friends, a thin line. But I walk it, and honestly, this was one of the smoothest first days I've ever had! My newly-made kinders are completely adorbs and fabulous, of course. I love them already!

One thing that I do on the first day is make them a first day pin! I've made them many different ways in the past but this year I thought up a quick, easy, and super cute way and the kids loved them!


I bought wooden rounds, Mod Podge, and sticky pin backs from A.C. Moore - all for under $10 (my A.C. Moore is a liquidation store and everything is 40% off all the time)! I then made the button faces in powerpoint, making sure the diameter matched the size of the wooden rounds. I printed them on REGULAR white paper - not cardstock.

I painted the back of each paper round with Mod Podge and stuck it to the wood. I then painted a thin coat on the top of each button.

After letting them dry for about an hour, I stuck the pin backs on.

That was it - easy peasy!! They looked so sweet on the kids :) They were proud to wear them home as brand new kindergartners!

I also made first-day crowns for them to wear! We colored and decorated together and they wore them home!

We had a blast getting to know each other! One fun activity we completed was a fun and simple "Colors of My Rainbow" activity.
The kids color each section of the rainbow to correspond with the words written on it. For example, eye color or their favorite color.

You can snag it in my TPT store below!

What was your first day of school like?! I hope it was FABULOUS!